"When we look at life through God's eyes, we become lost in wonder and convinced of God's astounding generosity, his marvelous mercy, and his gigantic grace. Sin causes us to look at life through the lens of entitlement - that we deserve salvation without repentance, wealth without work, accolades without self-denial, health without personal discipline, pleasure without sacrifice. Biblical truth reminds us that, in reality, we deserve hell. Because of Adam's and our own sin, we deserve "painful toil" all the days of our lives, eating food only by the "sweat of (our) brow" (Genesis 3:17, 19), and an eternity separated from the God against whom we have arrogantly rebelled.
Every small laugh, each tiny expression of joy, a simple meal - any momentary reprieve from the ongoing agony of hell - truly is an undeserved gift. When we add the assurance that the completed work of Christ guards our eternity, our lives should radiate not merely joy (though there should be an abundance of that) but wonder and astonishment at how good God truly is.
And yet why do so many believers live without this joy? Why do so many walk without this sense of wonder and live in heaviness of heart instead of lightness of spirit? Perhaps it's because we don't view our reality through God's eyes."
If you're looking for a great book to start the New Year, pick up this one. It will challenge your thinking.